I'd like to know what you think about our web site. Please leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors.
Very Colorfull!!! love the Rainbow effect, the Bobbles, Bubbles, & the Butterflys. You could possably resize the font small? but it to is fine. Shadow... OUT!!
I just got around to seeing your web pages, i love them... they are beautiful... Your friend, Stacey's Mom, JANET, Groovy Man...
Hey everybody! I had to do a project on the 70's and this really help!
Love the Rainbow, Butterflys & Bubbles.
You got Yin/Yangs out the Waazooo Guy :) You should add more self Portrates, & Photos of yourself playing the Piano,You at the computer,& Maybe some of those Pointer Chasers?
Hope to Chat you again Soon. Your Friend. Shadow Out
Love the Rainbow, Butterflys & Bubbles.
You got Yin/Yangs out the Waazooo Guy :) You should add more self Portrates, & Photos of yourself playing the Piano,You at the computer,& Maybe some of those Pointer Chasers?
Hope to Chat you again Soon.Your Friend.Shadow Out!
Hi there! I really LOVE your website! My husband and I are planning a "Groovy 70's" one year anniversary party in August and I was looking for some 70's clipart for the invitations and came across this page! I'm also preparing a "Flashback to the 70's" insert to kinda remind people of the different aspects of the 70's! I really found this website helpful! I was born in the late 60s so this website took me back a ways! It was alot of fun and brought back alot of memories!
Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Loved your pages! Thanks I enjoyed them. Especially the music pages w/lyrics, really nice.
Very nice!!! enjoyed the visit!! Thanks for sharing!!
ok i like the site! but please take off those pics. of yourself!!!!!!!!!! sorry to say but you are F***en NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but love the site:):):):)
I will have to agrea with that other person that your site is cool but your pics. are not.
i think it is crap.because they is no pictures at all.
i think it is crap.because they is no pictures at all.
The words are a little hard to read when the fonts are smaller
Need clipart!
You can't see the text through the loud background. It's considered a major faux pas in the professional design industry. Sorry.
where is your web site? I can't tell you if i can't find it.
I really used you website it was a great inspiation to me. i mainly came to see what kinds of clothes and styles the 70's were that way I can use them in a Party and it was a great help. Thank you so much, NativeHoni@yahoo.com Love, Carla L. p.s the pages were awesome I loved all the beautiful colors.
I LOVE this website, it looks very hard to make. Thank you for letting me enjoy it!
I'm not clear on how to get to the rest of the site. Might want to add something for that.
You suck you have no pics!!!!! get some so maybe next time someone comes here you can help them out a lil!!!
Hey! Was doing a search for people in Piqua, Ohio and so far found you and a few other people that are around the same age group. Did you graduate from Piqua in 1997? I did. I am trying to find people that I was close with when I was there. If you did graduate from there, please contact me at jaxfoxsgirl@yahoo.com. By the way, great job on your website!
cool backgrounds!! groovy website!! Rehanna & yas
This background is the coolest background I have EVER SEEN!!!!!
I think this web site is a discrase to the human race! U should get a new one and shut down this pile of bull s**t! Thank you for my time.
very wierd!!