Chris's Groovy Web Site
Hello! Glad you made it to my web site. On my page you will learn a little about me, my life, my love for music, and things that make me happy. While you are here be sure to sign my guest book. Come back soon!
Find out all about me. Pictures and more!
Places on the web where I chat.
Visit my musical pages. On this page you will find a listing of songs and lyrics for you to enjoy. Pass all these pages by email to your friends!
Listen to some really cool songs played on the Hammond Organ for you to download and enjoy.
Be sure to visit my other website called Totally 70's for a trip back in time to those groovy years not forgotten!
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Have A Really Cool Website But Needs Some Tiled Backgrounds For Your Page? Check Out Stacey & Chris's Wicked Groovy Backgrounds!
Love to hear comments! Sign my Guest Book
A very special thanks to Stacey at Stacy's Hippy Haven for her wonderful backgrounds. Most of her backgrounds are used on this website. Be sure you visit her website.